Editor's Picks: Full coverage with all the latest articles on Nokiapoweruser https://nokiapoweruser.com/editors-picks/ Nokia, Android & interesting Tech news Mon, 01 Mar 2021 11:13:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/nokiapoweruser.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/NPU-logo-2-2.jpg?fit=32%2C19&ssl=1 Editor's Picks: Full coverage with all the latest articles on Nokiapoweruser https://nokiapoweruser.com/editors-picks/ 32 32 53089901 Nokia 5.4 vs Nokia 5.3: Worth the upgrade? https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-5-4-vs-nokia-5-3-worth-the-upgrade-10023/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-5-4-vs-nokia-5-3-worth-the-upgrade-10023/#comments Sun, 28 Feb 2021 17:30:58 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=84553 Nokia 5.4 was recently launched as the successor to Nokia 5.3 just six months in its launch. So, pricing wise Nokia 5.4 and Nokia 5.3 are still not very different. In fact in markets like India there is just a difference of INR 1000 (USD 14) between the two. So, many have this question in […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-5-4-vs-nokia-5-3-worth-the-upgrade-10023/feed/ 1 84553
POV: It is the right time for Nokia Mobile (HMD) to reprioritize Indian market https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-it-is-the-right-time-for-nokia-mobile-hmd-to-reprioritize-indian-market/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-it-is-the-right-time-for-nokia-mobile-hmd-to-reprioritize-indian-market/#comments Sun, 05 Jul 2020 12:00:00 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=81087 India is without an iota of doubt one of the make or break markets for smartphone manufactures. However India as a market has two key drivers of smartphone adoption: High price sensitiveness and ambitious early adopters who love to jump brands to get maximum bang for their bucks. Chinese manufacturers have dominated the Indian smartphone […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-it-is-the-right-time-for-nokia-mobile-hmd-to-reprioritize-indian-market/feed/ 11 81087
Arogya Setu app is now mandatory for Government employees and Containment Zones https://nokiapoweruser.com/arogya-setu-app-is-now-mandatory-for-government-employees-and-containment-zones/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/arogya-setu-app-is-now-mandatory-for-government-employees-and-containment-zones/#respond Mon, 04 May 2020 01:58:29 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=80512 In order to check if everyone’s safety from COVID-19, the Indian government introduced the Arogya Setu app back on 1st April, and soon after its introduction, it became the top app in Google Play Store. Now the Indian government has instructed all the public sector and private sector companies to install and use this app […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/arogya-setu-app-is-now-mandatory-for-government-employees-and-containment-zones/feed/ 0 80512
WhatsApp Beta for Android gets Dark Theme on Android https://nokiapoweruser.com/whatsapp-beta-for-android-gets-dark-theme-on-android/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/whatsapp-beta-for-android-gets-dark-theme-on-android/#respond Wed, 22 Jan 2020 04:27:38 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=79491 WhatsApp is now getting a new update on the Android platform. The new update is always about making the app even better in the best possible way. The latest update to WhatsApp is being rolled out to WhatsApp users on Beta program. The latest update to WhatsApp brings app version 2.20.13 to the Google Play […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/whatsapp-beta-for-android-gets-dark-theme-on-android/feed/ 0 79491
Unreleased Nokia Kataya & Nokia Ion Mini prototypes selling on eBay in “blast from Nokia’s innovative past” https://nokiapoweruser.com/unreleased-nokia-kataya-nokia-ion-mini-prototypes-selling-on-ebay-in-blast-from-nokias-innovative-past/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/unreleased-nokia-kataya-nokia-ion-mini-prototypes-selling-on-ebay-in-blast-from-nokias-innovative-past/#respond Sun, 30 Jun 2019 05:38:14 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=75995 We received many tips from our readers about two Nokia Prototype smartphones selling on eBay. One of them is Nokia Kataya while the other one is known as Nokia Ion Mini. Both prototypes are not related to the latest crop of Nokia smartphones that we have in the market currently. Nokia Kataya is part of […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/unreleased-nokia-kataya-nokia-ion-mini-prototypes-selling-on-ebay-in-blast-from-nokias-innovative-past/feed/ 0 75995
Nokia 8.1 review (30 Days as daily driver): This value Flagship is a true Flagship killer https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-1-review-30-days-as-daily-driver-this-value-flagship-is-a-true-flagship-killer/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-1-review-30-days-as-daily-driver-this-value-flagship-is-a-true-flagship-killer/#comments Mon, 07 Jan 2019 12:43:42 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=72756 Nokia 8.1 Plus has been launched recently with the punchline “expect more” outside its first market China, where it was launched as Nokia X7.  Code-named Phoenix, Nokia 8.1 brings lots of attention to the Nokia smartphone portfolio by ticking many right boxes. It is the first Nokia smartphone to be powered by Snapdragon 710 processor […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-1-review-30-days-as-daily-driver-this-value-flagship-is-a-true-flagship-killer/feed/ 9 72756
POV: Releasing Nokia 9 with Snapdragon 855 even in Q2/Q3 ’19 will make more sense now https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-releasing-nokia-9-with-snapdragon-855-even-in-q2-q3-19-will-make-more-sense-now/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-releasing-nokia-9-with-snapdragon-855-even-in-q2-q3-19-will-make-more-sense-now/#comments Sat, 08 Dec 2018 05:11:25 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=72262 HMD has missed the proverbial bus once again when it comes to launching Nokia 9. While the device will enjoy its own share of attention because of its Penta-Lens camera even with Snapdragon 845 it will not convert into sales numbers sadly. Qualcomm already has made Snapdragon 855 official and a big percentage of flagship […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/pov-releasing-nokia-9-with-snapdragon-855-even-in-q2-q3-19-will-make-more-sense-now/feed/ 20 72262
Best free FM Radio apps for Nokia 8 if you miss the native app https://nokiapoweruser.com/best-fm-radio-apps-nokia-8-miss-native-one-56347/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/best-fm-radio-apps-nokia-8-miss-native-one-56347/#comments Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:12:34 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=64924 HMD pre-loaded a native FM Radio app on Nokia 3, 5 and 6. Surprisingly this app is missing from Nokia 8. Even the APK for FM Radio app from Nokia 3, 5 and 6 doesn’t get installed on Nokia 8. So, here are three best FM Radio apps available on Play Store which are really good and […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/best-fm-radio-apps-nokia-8-miss-native-one-56347/feed/ 3 64924
Nokia brand value rose by 70%, says Brand Finance Global 500 2018 list https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-brand-value-rose-70-says-brand-finance-global-500-2018-list/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-brand-value-rose-70-says-brand-finance-global-500-2018-list/#respond Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:38:14 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=67162 The latest Global 500 2018 list by Brand Finance brings some great news for Nokia fans and investors alike. As per this report that features 500 most valuable brands globally, Nokia has registered a 70% jump in the brand value in 2018. Nokia jumped from 335rd to 188th place in the latest global 500 brand rankings posted by […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-brand-value-rose-70-says-brand-finance-global-500-2018-list/feed/ 0 67162
Nokia 6 crowned “Most Durable Phone of 2017” by JerryRigEverything https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-6-crowned-durable-phone-2017-jerryrigeverything/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-6-crowned-durable-phone-2017-jerryrigeverything/#respond Fri, 05 Jan 2018 04:28:49 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=66451 Time for Nokia fans to rejoice as one of the Nokia smartphones of 2017 has just brought the old glory back home. Nokia 6 has been crowned the most durable phone of 2017 by none other than the JerryRigEverything. The YouTuber, who is very well-known for torture testing the durability of phones has termed Nokia […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-6-crowned-durable-phone-2017-jerryrigeverything/feed/ 0 66451
Nokia 2 vs Nokia 3: All that you want to know & which one to buy https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-2-vs-nokia-3-want-know-one-buy/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-2-vs-nokia-3-want-know-one-buy/#respond Tue, 26 Dec 2017 15:22:39 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=66206 Nokia 2 is the ultimate budget Nokia Android smartphone and Nokia 3 is just a notch higher than it in the product lineup. So, the obvious question that many prospective Nokia 2/Nokia 3 buyers ask us is how both Nokia smartphones differ and which one to go for. We have covered this in our hands-on […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-2-vs-nokia-3-want-know-one-buy/feed/ 0 66206
Nokia 9 covers put its display at 5.5-inch (16:9), phone size similar to Nokia 7 https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-9-covers-put-display-5-5-inch-169-phone-size-similar-nokia-7/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-9-covers-put-display-5-5-inch-169-phone-size-similar-nokia-7/#comments Fri, 15 Dec 2017 07:52:29 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=65964 We got our hands on some Nokia 9 cases and covers, though we are keeping the name of source anonymous as per our policy. Now, first thing you realize when you try to fit a Nokia 8 in this cover is how compact Nokia 9 actually is as compared to Nokia 8. We tried to […]

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