Polls: Full coverage with all the latest articles on Nokiapoweruser https://nokiapoweruser.com/polls/ Nokia, Android & interesting Tech news Thu, 10 Jan 2019 06:58:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/nokiapoweruser.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/NPU-logo-2-2.jpg?fit=32%2C19&ssl=1 Polls: Full coverage with all the latest articles on Nokiapoweruser https://nokiapoweruser.com/polls/ 32 32 53089901 91% Nokia Smartphones on December Patch, 56% like Display without notch: Recent Poll results https://nokiapoweruser.com/91-nokia-smartphones-on-december-patch-56-like-display-without-notch-recent-poll-results/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/91-nokia-smartphones-on-december-patch-56-like-display-without-notch-recent-poll-results/#comments Thu, 10 Jan 2019 06:58:27 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=72886 We recently conducted two polls on our Twitter account. One poll was about the “Security patch” status of Nokia smartphones to understand whether HMD is living up to its promise of keeping its smartphones up-to-date. As one can see in the screenshot above, it seems 91% of the respondents are rocking the “December Security update” […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/91-nokia-smartphones-on-december-patch-56-like-display-without-notch-recent-poll-results/feed/ 1 72886
[Poll] Nokia 5 (TA-1044) users in Latin America complaint of no Security updates since months https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-nokia-5-ta-1044-users-in-latin-america-complaint-of-no-security-updates-since-months/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-nokia-5-ta-1044-users-in-latin-america-complaint-of-no-security-updates-since-months/#comments Sun, 06 Jan 2019 15:05:46 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=72804 One of our readers, Brandon from Columbia has reached to us with a complaint about his Nokia 5 (TA-1044) not able to receive Security update since months. He has shared his history of reaching to Nokia customer service and following their suggestions without any success so far. It also seems that his case is not […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-nokia-5-ta-1044-users-in-latin-america-complaint-of-no-security-updates-since-months/feed/ 1 72804
Nokia 8 India pricing a winner. 46% respondents will buy in a heartbeat, reveal poll results https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-india-pricing-winner-46-respondents-will-buy-heartbeat-reveal-poll-results-nokia8-nokia/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-india-pricing-winner-46-respondents-will-buy-heartbeat-reveal-poll-results-nokia8-nokia/#respond Thu, 28 Sep 2017 13:45:59 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=64597 HMD launched the affordable flagship Nokia 8 in India priced very competitively at Rs 36,999. While this price directly puts it in competition against likes of OnePlus 5, Nokia 8 is a threat to many other flagships too in India with huge pricing advantage. We conducted a poll to understand what our readers think about […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-india-pricing-winner-46-respondents-will-buy-heartbeat-reveal-poll-results-nokia8-nokia/feed/ 0 64597
Poll: What do you think of Nokia 8 pricing for India? Will you buy one? https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-pricing-india-will-buy-one/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-pricing-india-will-buy-one/#comments Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:34:39 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=64539 HMD has today launched Nokia 8 in India revealing its pricing and release date. Nokia 8 will be available starting October 14 in India for a price of Rs 36,999 which by any standards is a very competitive pricing for a flagship smartphone bearing Nokia brand name. For your information, Nokia 8 comes powered by […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-pricing-india-will-buy-one/feed/ 1 64539
Nokia 8 Poll Results: 40% respondents plan to buy; Nokia Design, brand name & Zeiss camera top drivers for adoption https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-poll-results-40-respondents-plan-buy-nokia-design-brand-name-zeiss-camera-top-drivers-adoption/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-poll-results-40-respondents-plan-buy-nokia-design-brand-name-zeiss-camera-top-drivers-adoption/#comments Sun, 27 Aug 2017 12:03:48 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=64037 We had earlier posted three polls to understand your feedback about Nokia 8. These three polls intended to get your responses to quetions like “would you buy a Nokia 8”, “what makes you buy a Nokia 8” and what do you think about Nokia 8 design and build quality. Poll results are in and here […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-8-poll-results-40-respondents-plan-buy-nokia-design-brand-name-zeiss-camera-top-drivers-adoption/feed/ 4 64037
Poll(s): Are you planning to buy a Nokia 8? Most important Nokia 8 feature(s) for you? https://nokiapoweruser.com/polls-planning-buy-nokia-8-important-nokia-8-features/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/polls-planning-buy-nokia-8-important-nokia-8-features/#comments Sat, 19 Aug 2017 08:30:44 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=63915 I am definitely buying the flagship Nokia phone, Nokia 8 that has arrived after a long wait, considering Lumia 930 was the last one with design and craftsmanship worthy of the Nokia name. What about you?? Take the poll and do let us know if you plan to buy the Nokia 8. We would also […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/polls-planning-buy-nokia-8-important-nokia-8-features/feed/ 13 63915
Poll: What do you think of Nokia 8 design & build quality https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-design-build-quality/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-design-build-quality/#comments Fri, 18 Aug 2017 07:24:44 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=63929 If you ask for my opinion I will buy Nokia 8 for its design and build quality above anything else. After playing with Nokia 3, 5 and 6; I can tell you that design and build quality wise HMD has done justice to the Nokia brand with its Android range. Perhaps after seeing Nokia 5 […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-think-nokia-8-design-build-quality/feed/ 6 63929
Poll Results: 38% want to buy a Nokia 3. Nokia 3 available in Stores now https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-3-hits-stores-today-india-getting-one-poll/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-3-hits-stores-today-india-getting-one-poll/#comments Mon, 26 Jun 2017 06:02:41 +0000 https://nokiapoweruser.com/?p=62910 Update (26th June): On the day when Nokia 3 became available in retails stores in India we asked our readers whether they will buy one. Nokia 3 is the cheapest of all Nokia Android Phones and packs a punch in terms of its premium design that makes it stand out of the crowd. You can […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/nokia-3-hits-stores-today-india-getting-one-poll/feed/ 6 62910
Poll: Will history repeat itself with Lumia X30 devices & Redstone?? https://nokiapoweruser.com/will-history-repeat-itself-with-lumia-93x-devices-redstone/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/will-history-repeat-itself-with-lumia-93x-devices-redstone/#comments Sat, 19 Mar 2016 17:55:33 +0000 http://www.nokiapoweruser.com/?p=49568 Microsoft has done it twice already. Once when they left Windows Phone 7.5 devices user high and dry and didn’t offer them upgrade path to Windows Phone 8. And now with leaving Lumia X20 device users out of Windows 10 Mobile upgrade cycle when most of the devices have been able to run Windows 10 […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/will-history-repeat-itself-with-lumia-93x-devices-redstone/feed/ 9 49568
Poll Results: 15% of Lumia 950 / 950 XL owners have returned or may return their devices https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-15-of-lumia-950-950-xl-owners-have-returned-or-may-return-their-devices/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-15-of-lumia-950-950-xl-owners-have-returned-or-may-return-their-devices/#comments Wed, 30 Dec 2015 04:00:03 +0000 http://www.nokiapoweruser.com/?p=44354 Poll results of Lumia 950 / 950 XL owners’ feedback poll are in!! Around 37% of respondents simply love their Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL, 28% can live even of they have found some bugs and around 14% say that bugs were there but got fixed with recent updates. So it seems around 78% […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-15-of-lumia-950-950-xl-owners-have-returned-or-may-return-their-devices/feed/ 3 44354
Poll: Lumia 950 / Lumia 950 XL users, how are your devices treating you?? https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-lumia-950-lumia-950-xl-users-how-are-your-devices-treating-you/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-lumia-950-lumia-950-xl-users-how-are-your-devices-treating-you/#comments Mon, 28 Dec 2015 14:07:07 +0000 http://www.nokiapoweruser.com/?p=44254 So, here is one poll for all Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL owners. We want your feedback about the shiny Lumias you just owned. There has been lots of negativity from a section of owners about Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL’s buggy behavior out of box, but at the same time many of […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-lumia-950-lumia-950-xl-users-how-are-your-devices-treating-you/feed/ 6 44254
Poll Results: 54% will or may get Lumia Flagships, 41% hate the design, 4% give interesting reasons. https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-54-will-or-may-get-lumia-flagships-41-hate-the-design-4-give-interesting-reasons/ https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-54-will-or-may-get-lumia-flagships-41-hate-the-design-4-give-interesting-reasons/#comments Sat, 29 Aug 2015 06:18:22 +0000 http://www.nokiapoweruser.com/?p=39267 So, our “Lumia 940 & Lumia 940 XL design: Yay or Nay” poll results are in. 41% of respondents hate the design of the upcoming Lumia Flagships: Lumia 940 and Lumia 940 XL, while 30% like the design. 24% say that they are not fan of the design but still may buy the devices. So, it […]

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https://nokiapoweruser.com/poll-results-54-will-or-may-get-lumia-flagships-41-hate-the-design-4-give-interesting-reasons/feed/ 5 39267