HMD’s 2024 Devices Recap

  The year 2024 is an important one for HMD Devices. It marks the beginning of  HMD branded devices, and for now, it looks like the plan is to diverge...

Jolla C2 Unboxing & Early Impression : Be Different!

  Jolla is the company that branched out of the original team that created the Nokia N9. While MeeGo ( collaboration between Nokia and Intel)  ended prematurely, the OS was...

HMD Fusion’s Flashy Smart Outfit Review

  For the unversed, the Fusion is unlike any other device in the market at the moment. The idea is not new, and in fact, one of the earliest concept...

HMD Fusion Gaming Outfit review: Game On?

  The HMD Fusion is available in more markets and HMD has also started the sales for their Smart Outfits! HMD's representative updated that the Wireless Outfit is currently shelved...

HMD Fusion : Modular , Affordable, Endless Possibilities

So, the Fusion was actually introduced to the market about a couple of months back and its prepping for its global release soon. The last device from the pixelated teaser...

Baseus MA20PRO : Would You Try it?

  Every now and then I venture out slightly from the usual to share my experience regarding other brands if it is worth sharing. One such device is the Baseus MA20...

Nokia 125 4G Unboxing and Review

For those who are following on X, I shared about the Nokia 108 4G which quietly went on sale a couple of weeks ago in Asian markets. And a...

HMD Skyline vs Nokia X30 5G: Do we have a winner?

Since the HMD Skyline was launched, many have asked for a comparison with the Nokia X30 5G. With the Skyline needing some software fixes and my work schedule, I...

HMD XR21 5G receiving new Android 14 build with September Security update 2024

HMD recently started the roll-out of a new Android 14 build for HMD XR21 5G. The update also brings the September Security update 2024 to HMD XR21 5G. HMD XR21...

HMD Fusion promoted with Venom-themed smart outfit before US pre-order begins

HMD recently unveiled its innovate HMD Fusion smartphone with promise of modular "smart outfits". Now, HMD has started promoting the smartphone with a Venom-themed "Symbiote Smart Outfit". This move...


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